Tuesday 25 March 2025 Tuesday 25 March 2025

Ali G Translator

Cockney Rhyming Slang Translator

Irish Translator
Scouse Translator
Yorkshire Chicken Run Translator
Brummie Translator
Geordie Translator
Scottie Translator
Jolly Well Spoken Translator
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whoohoo.co.uk in the media

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whoohoo.co.uk in the media

> Press Kit including high resolution images for print

Below are details of articles featuring whoohoo.co.uk in the media. If you are aware of a review or link published in the press that is not listed below, please email us at press@whoohoo.co.uk.

whoohoo.co.uk 'an example of excellence in website accessibility' - 15 Apr 04
whoohoo.co.uk was among just five websites praised for its excellent accessibility, following a landmark study by the Disability Rights Commission that is already influencing the Internet's standards-setting body, the W3C... [full article] - [Related article from 'The Register']

whoohoo.co.uk Finalist in Yell.com/Awards 2001 - 4 Oct 01
After thousands of nominations, Yell.com announced that whoohoo.co.uk was one of six sites shortlisted in the Best Funny Site category at the Yell.com/Awards 2001 – the people’s choice of the ‘best on the Net’... [full article]


The following is a list of chronologically ordered media reviews that we have been able to collate from your emails. No doubt we have missed a few, so please let us know if you know of an article that we haven't included!

Daily Telegraph - 15 June 2005
"Summat tha'd like? Language could be a major stumbling block. Those with wireless internet connections can instantaneously translate Southern to Yorkshire using the Yorkshire translator www.whoohoo.co.uk ("Welcome to t' Yorkshire translator! Jus' type in' summat' tha'd like' ter seh un' this eer' site'll translate it fothy."). "Does thee av enny mooar champagne?" for example. Yorkshire folk will be able to reply using either the Jolly Well Spoken translator (for use in the Royal Enclosure) or the bleedin' cockney translator for all other areas."

Manchester Evening News - 3 June 2005
Small article on whoohoo.co.uk's Liverpool translator.

Yahoo! Site of the Day - 26 Jan 05
Yahoo! featured whoohoo.co.uk as their site of the day: "whoohoo.co.uk is a dialect translator that can currently transform text into one of eight British regional accents. Well, if you count Ali G as a dialect, make that nine. We took quite a shine to the Jolly Well Spoken Translator and were particularly amused to discover that lyrics from the hilarious "Jenny From The Block" produced, "One can't forget to steay real, to myself it's fancy breahthing. Absolutely top hole - I have to say." Can just hear her Bronx crew spewing that. The database of words and translations is constantly being updated and you can add anything you think is missing. While some of the translations are, quite frankly, nonsensical, it's still good fun to muck around with."

Xtra New Zealand - Jan 05
Max Newmann's column described his experience with the whoohoo.co.uk translators: "With more dialects than I've had offensive emails, the U.K. and Ireland can be a baffling place to get grips with. Here's some entertaining help. You can morph your kiwi messages into Scottish, Irish, Cockney and plenty more besides. It can get them absurdly wrong, but I found that all part of the fun."

Ireland on Sunday - Aug 04
Funny full-page article by Paul Caffrey in this Irish newspaper, with Brad Pitt as the lead photograph. Included interviews with a linguistics professor at Trinity College Dublin where he expressed concern at the 'accuracy' of the Irish translator. A humorously critical article about the site, which we thoroughly enjoyed reading!

Mizz Magazine - Jan 04
whoohoo.co.uk featured in this UK teen magazine.

TXT ME! Book - Christmas 03
The site appeared in the mini-book which accompanied this popular Christmas gift set, available from many high-street retailers during December 2003.

BBC Radio 2 Steve Wright Show - 3 Oct 03
The Geordie translator featured on the 'website of the day' section of Steve Wright's afternoon radio show as part of their Newcastle theme for the day.

Internet Made Easy - Apr 03 (Issue 46)
whoohoo.co.uk was featured in the 'supersites' section of this UK magazine. Some quotes from the article include: "whoohoo is a tongue-in-cheek look at the country's dialects, with a 'useful' translation tool to help you speak and email with all the localisms...The technology is impressive with quick and thorough translations into your choice of accent. So if you've ever harboured the desire to 'rabbit and pork' like a Londoner, 'speyt li' eur Yorksha apeth' or 'Spake loike de Oirish', this is the tool for you. It will even translate your emails for written authenticity. So go on, 'ave a Bubble Baf and get translating!"

Liverpool Echo - 28 Mar 03
This popular regional newspaper featured an article about whoohoo.co.uk entitled 'Scouse is language of the internet'. It starts: 'TELL yer Ma 'bout dis new website thingy. A new website has been set up to translate the Queen's English into perfect Scouse.' Strangely, considering this is a regional newspaper, the article produced one of the most notable one-off surges in visitors of any publication so far. An online copy of the article can be found here.

Haa'retz - 26 Mar 03
whoohoo.co.uk found itself in the daily Israeli newspaper Haa'retz with a short article on the site. Although we cannot understand the full article as it is written in Hebrew (!), an Israeli visitor was kind enough to explain that this particular section of the newspaper provides 'a weekly update on internet subjects, including solving readers' problems, reviews of games, news and recommended sites'. Apparently the site was cited by the paper as being 'very amusing, obligatory for Anglophiles'. (thank you to Yosefa and David Maoz for providing us with this insight and translation)

CityLife Magazine - Feb 03 (issue 475)
Website review in this Manchester-based (UK) magazine: "Ever wondered what you would sound like as a Geordie or a really posh person? Well this site can make you sound like that and more. It features nine different translators from all over the UK plus an Ali-G translator-aiiii! Just type in your text in the box, click the translate button and hey presto you can sound like a Scouser, a Brummie or a Yorkshireman. There's also an Irish translator so you can sound authentic when ordering Guinness on St Patrick's day. Or then again you could just write rude and abusive things in and see what they come out as....."

Good Medicine Magazine - Jan 03 issue
whoohoo.co.uk got a review in this Australian health/lifestyle magazine: "Amuse yourself online - If you haven't felt much like smiling lately, log onto one of these feelgood, side splitting websites. If all things British crack you up, check this out. Translate mails into different UK dialects!"

Stirling Observer Newspaper - 23 Oct 02
Reviewed in this Scottish newspaper in the 'Web of the week' section by Stephen Stewart: "This splendid site is guaranteed to get you chuckling away at your PC. It ingeniously translates any sentence into a variety of dialects such as Geordie, Brummie, Scouse, Irish and even the plummy tones of a posh toff...".

BBC Radio Essex - Sept 02
Website of the day broadcast by Radio Essex.

BBC Radio 2 Steve Wright - 7 Aug 02
Site of the day on the Steve Wright show at BBC Radio 2. The site was given a spot on the radio show in the afternoon as well as being published on the BBC Radio 2 site: "If your emails need livening up WhooHoo lets you translate your own pedestrian prose into dialects including Irish, Scottish, cockney rhyming slang, Chicken Run-style Yorkshire, brummie or posh. Or you can just use the site to send free SMS messages via the web."

The Express - Jul 02
Site reviewed in this UK newspaper: "Ever wanted to speak like someone from Byker Grove? At this site you can pick from a massive range of regional accents. Send your e-mails and text messages in a dialect of your choice."

SIRUPS Magazine - Apr 02
Site reviewed by this teenage magazine based in Latvia.

Radio 5 Live - 15 Nov 01
Reviewed by Kevin Greening during the Simon Mayo show on Radio 5 Live during their regular weekly review of the best on the web.

Evening Chronical - 2 Nov 01 "Site of the week" - "This site has everything you could possibly need to astound your mates with a huge bank of hilarious accents... The whoohoo translator offers laughs galore with its brilliant Ali G impressions. All you have to do is type in a phrase and click on the translator... The Irish translator had us in stitches. Believe me, Ye will be graspin' yer black stuff like a true Oirish fella in naw time...

Pulse Magazine - Issue 3
Article on the 'Websites Review' page in Pulse Magazine, a publication distributed to Centrica employees.

Commercial Radio - 19 Oct 01
Similar to the show on the 16 October. A repeat of the previous show, with some extra information about the site. Broadcasted on the same stations as below.

Commercial Radio - 16 Oct 01
Used on Mel & Rob's Hot 30 radio show to provide entertaining translations for listeners who rang up the show with their sentences. Broadcast on a number of stations, notably GWR FM, SGR Ipswich, Radio Leicester, Chiltern FM, Mercury FM, Radio 210, Q103 Cambridge and Beacon FM among others.

Herts Review - 3 Oct 01
"Web lad uses his 'loaf'" - Article about whoohoo.co.uk being a finalist for the Yell.com/Awards 2001, including a profile of the site and its creator.

Herts Observer - 27 Sept 01
"Big up to whoohoo" - Article about whoohoo.co.uk being a finalist for the Yell.com/Awards 2001, including a profile of the site and its creator.

Herts Advertiser - 20 Sept 01
"Chris aims for a laugh" - Article about whoohoo.co.uk being a finalist for the Yell.com/Awards 2001, including a profile of the site and its creator.

The Mirror - 7 Sept 01
"Pick up a winner...net a grand" - Article promoting the Mirror People's Choice Award, of which whoohoo.co.uk was a nominee.

Southern FM - 6 Sept 01
Review of whoohoo.co.uk on air, during the Southern FM Breakfast show.

Sunday Post - 5 Aug 01
"Things you can't do without on the net" - review of whoohoo.co.uk in this article.

PC Explorer - Aug 01
"Living life as a Dotcom Guy" - "whoohoo Dialect Translator - Does exactly what it says... translates phrases into a number of 'speaks', including cockney, posh and Ali G!" (includes full screenshot)

PC Pro - Aug 01
"Wonder of the Web" - "whoohoo - just what you've been looking for - a web site that takes perfectly good English phrases and translates them into a number of amusingly essential other things, including Cockney Rhyming Slang, Scouse, Geordie, Brummie, 'Jolly Well Spoken', Scottish and even Ali G speak. What's more, you can email the results at the click of a button or two - to who is a matter for serious thought."

The Independent "Information" - 21 Jul 01
Sites of the week - "If you want to email friends in an accent dripping with the authentic sound of a particular English region, look no further than whoohoo.co.uk, which offers transaltion engines in a variety of local dialects. Choose from hilarious of faves like cockney, geordie, and brummie, as well as more fanciful, and made-up, accents such as "Yorkshire Chicken Run", "Jolly Well Spoken" and "Ali G".

The Mirror - 13 Jul 01
Review of websites for language learning, including a 'comical' review of whoohoo.co.uk.

POP Magazine - Jul 01
"The Brit Issue" - review of whoohoo.co.uk in an article in this issue. (Magazine in Thailand)

Sugar Magazine - Jul 01

Power FM Breakfast Show - 28 Jun 01
On-air review of whoohoo.co.uk on the Power FM Breakfast Show.

Alodis Magazine - Jun 01
Review in this professional ladies' publication.

.net - Jun 01
Recommendation from a reader of .net magazine in the letters page.

Internet Magazine - Jun 01
"Essential Viewing" - "...whoohoo is a fun site that'll translate your emails and phrases into Cockney Rhyming Slang, Scouse, Geordie, Brummie, Yorkshire, and even Ali G speak!"

thenet - May 01
"Best of the web" - "...so popular is this dialect malarkey that there's now an entire site dedicated to translating 'ordinary' English into Geordie, Scouse, et al. Whoohoo is probably more fun for natives than visitors, as many of the replies are patently absurd, but it's spawned a whole range of other translators, including merseysidetoday.co.uk."

Richmond Guardian - Jan 01
Article about whoohoo.co.uk in the internet section.

Wimbledon Observer - Jan 01
Article about whoohoo.co.uk in the "webwatch" section.

News Shopper (Local London Newspaper) - 24 Jan 01
"Webwatch" - "Dis is da fittest site eva. Forget babelfish an' translate ya messages into Ali G, Scouse, or Geordie, What this roughtly means is check out www.whoohoo.co.uk, a brilliant website where you can translate your messages into various UK dialects. There is t'Yorkshire Chicken Run translator, Brummie, Scottish and the Jolly Well Spoken translator. You can even send text messages to mobiles from here too. Hours of brillo fun, don'tcha y'know?"

The Guardian "The Editor" - 5 Jan 01
"Web life" - "...it deserves credit for referring to the brilliant www.whoohoo.co.uk translation site, where you can get messages rendered in any dialect you choose. 'Hello everyone, this is a search engine' became 'Alo bruvvers, dis is chek engine' when put through the Ali G machine..."

Internet Advisor - Dec 00
Sites of the month review.

The Big Issue - 2 Oct 00
"End games" - "One website whoohoo.co.uk allows visitors to translate any phrase into various accents including Yorkshire 'Chicken Run' and the unique lingo of Saines Bad Boy Ali G...(goes on to give examples of translations)"

Rightclick Newsletter - Autumn 00
"Surfaris" - "whoohoo.co.uk - Brilliant! - translates your words into Geordie, Brummie, Posh and all manner of other dialects..."

Internet Monthly - Oct 00
"Best Humour Sites" - 3rd Place - "Translate your dull Southern accent into the voice of your dreams with the help of these online translators. Whether you want to speak Geordie, Brummie, Yorkshire, Scottish, posh or like Ali G".


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