Wednesday 19 February 2025 Wednesday 19 February 2025

Ali G Translator

Cockney Rhyming Slang Translator

Irish Translator
Scouse Translator
Yorkshire Chicken Run Translator
Brummie Translator
Geordie Translator
Scottie Translator
Jolly Well Spoken Translator
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about whoohoo.co.uk

>> Recent appearances in the media
>> Information about advertising on the site

whoohoo.co.uk has been created to provide quality entertainment for anyone on the internet. Currently, the the site is still quite small, ignoring the excellent Ali G translator (and the other dialects from the British Isles), and we will be adding more features in the coming months.

Please recommend the site to your friends, and watch it grow with new and unique features to keep you always entertained on the net!

History of whoohoo.co.uk

whoohoo.co.uk first opened its doors in September 1999 with a different name. The site was small and quite slow but still received a fair number of visitors which continued for a few months. A small selection of games was offered, as well as a number of basic hard-scripted translators.

In January 2000, a complete redesign took place and the name 'whoohoo.co.uk' was acquired. In May 2000, the number of dialect translators was increased to six and the site began to gain popularity.

September 2000 brought a completely new re-write and launch of the site, with the translators running from databases which could be automatically updated by visitors to the site. Adding words had previously been very time consuming, but the automation stopped this completely. The number of translators was increased to eight, with the hugely-requested Cockney translator finally being released.

Almost instantly, the site was featured as 3rd Best Humour Site in the Internet Monthly magazine and from here, media attention began. Quite a comprehensive list of whoohoo.co.uk in the media can be found here (if we have missed any, please let us know!).

Email translations were shortly added, allowing emails to be sent in dialect from the site. Many thousands of emails have been sent since then, with many people finding it an irresistible distraction from work...

The next development was to develop an Ali G SMS translator with the great people at Fonetastic.com providing the free text messaging facility. From what we can gather from the emails we receive, this has gone down very well. The Ali G sms translator can now be found on a large number of high-profile free sms websites including Fonetastic.com, Breathe.com and Ministryofsound.co.uk.

More recently, we have continued the partnership with Fonetastic.com with a foot into the mobile phone market. There are some truely excellent deals to be found at the new whoohoo.co.uk mobile shop and we recommend you have a look. ;)

Future translators which you can look forward to include the Aussie translator (still in production) and hopefully a txt translator later in the year. If you have any suggestions as to ideas for the site, please let us know via the Contact page.

How does the site work?

The site is powered by ASP (unlike most of the other translator sites which use Perl), running on NT, and has a database for each translator, which is accessed each time someone makes a translation.

The databases consist of five sections: vocabulary (single words), phrases (a string of words), general rules for the beginning of words, general rules for the middles of words and general rules for the endings of words.

This combination of different techniques means that the dictionaries apply to a wide variety of words, and will automatically translate new words in the future that follow current patterns.


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