Saturday 29 March 2025 Saturday 29 March 2025

Ali G Translator

Cockney Rhyming Slang Translator

Irish Translator
Scouse Translator
Yorkshire Chicken Run Translator
Brummie Translator
Geordie Translator
Scottie Translator
Jolly Well Spoken Translator
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The Dialectizer

An excellent site compiling thousands of humorous websites from across the world.


An excellent site compiling thousands of humorous websites from across the world.

Dialects site

Another list of dialect related sites, covering a similar range of regions.

BBC Routes of English

A very appropriate website and radio programme for anyone interested in whoohoo.co.uk which looks at the 'roots' of the English dialects.

A Dictionary of Slang

A monster online dictionary of the rich colourful language we call slang... all from a British perspective, with new slang added every month.

Broad Norfolk Translator

A large number of the emails we receive daily are telling us to include a Norfolk translator on the site. Well we've found one for you! Translate phrases into Broad Norfolk dialect!

The Dialect Coach

Learn any dialect of learn to speak without one. Dialects can be learned over the phone, generally in one hour.

Hyped Up

Funny, sick and real-life video clips, funny pictures, jokes, games and wallpapers, all for free.


If you want to have some more fun on the internet, funs.co.uk is a huge site with loads of features including online games, jokes and music.


Another fun site with lots of amusing features. Includes a large directory of humour-related sites.


UK Humour Portal with thousands of amusing articles, jokes, films and much more...


Free internet dating service where you might be able to find the partner of your dreams.

Moonrock Radio

Web community for the online investor that is unbiased, informed, entertaining and free

Please suggest links for this page! If you know of any great sites that you think would be appropriate, please email them to url@whoohoo.co.uk.

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